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Sober on the Playa

Before you go...

Review pages 100-102 in “The Big Book,” Alcoholics Anynmous.


Talk to your sponsor and know what to expect. We recommend that you have a serious dialog with your sponsor before buying your ticket.


You will see (or smell) people using. You will see people getting drunk. You will witness some Burners that are clearly fucked up. The conditions are harsh and daily life can, at times, be overwhelming. Be honest with your sponsor about these things. Additionally, you sponsor should also know that there is much MUCH more to Burning Man than “nudity, drugs, and fire.” Learn as much as you can about the event so that you can describe the elements of the experience that have drawn you to it. The organizers of Camp Stella do not make any specific time requirements or recommendations. Your decision to participate is between you, your sponsor, and your higher power.

Fill up your spiritual tank. When we don’t have time for meetings is usually when we need them the most. You will no doubt be very busy in those countdown days before the event. And it’s easy to underestimate how long it will take to finish projects, pack, shop, and do all the things that people do before leaving town (and work) for 7 – 10 days. This would not be the ideal time to cut back on meetings. In fact, we suggest making time to work in an extra meeting wherever possible.

While living in Black Rock City...

Review pages 100-102 in “The Big Book,” Alcoholics Anynmous.


Talk to your sponsor and know what to expect. We recommend that you have a serious dialog with your sponsor before buying your ticket.


You will see (or smell) people using. You will see people getting drunk. You will witness some Burners that are clearly fucked up. The conditions are harsh and daily life can, at times, be overwhelming. Be honest with your sponsor about these things. Additionally, you sponsor should also know that there is much MUCH more to Burning Man than “nudity, drugs, and fire.” Learn as much as you can about the event so that you can describe the elements of the experience that have drawn you to it. The organizers of Camp Stella do not make any specific time requirements or recommendations. Your decision to participate is between you, your sponsor, and your higher power.

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